Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Voices from Main Street:
Limericks unfiltered by the media elite:
from Joe Six-Pack for Obama:
With lefts and rights Palin jabs
Obama/Biden she hopes to nab
Her handlers tells her all facts are true
But her Johnny researches precious few
Next up, the fear mongering gab.
from Speck Backfire:
Believe it, though it seems barely possible:
The next VP could be the last mayor of Wasilla.
You might think it's a joke,
But if old McCain croaks,
She could end up the most powerful boss of all.
From Lizzwill:
That woman gov played by Fey
Gets scarier every day
So lets work for Barack
to give Grampy a shock
and make winky pitbull go 'way.
Thanks to all the ordinary Americans who have been sending limericks. We'll be hearing the voices of other Washington outsiders soon.